Yes! More and more women are recognising the benefits for them and their baby.
We work to balance your pelvis, dural system, and supporting ligaments. This supports your balance and stability – keeping you strong and safe, and your baby growing well and moving into the ideal birthing position.
what can chiropractic care do for me while i'm pregnant?
Of all the times we need our bodies to function well under stress, pregnancy is a biggie. Did you know 2/3 of pregnant women experience back pain? That’s because your centre of gravity changes drastically, and also because your body produces hormones to make your pelvis more flexible during birth.
Various studies have shown that chiropractic care during pregnancy:
reduces labour time between 24 – 39% (1)
decreases need for painkillers during delivery by 50% (2)
increases comfort during the 3rd trimester (3)
relieves back, leg, groin, and buttock pain
reduces heartburn and constipation
what can chiropractic care do for my baby while still in the womb?
When your pelvis is well-aligned, your baby can move more freely. Research tells us that your baby’s movement:
stimulates the development of the brain and nervous system (which is developing more during your 3rd trimester than at any other stage in our lives! (4)
allows important neurological reflexes to happen in the brainstem (5) (helping your baby establish regulated heartbeat and breathing, good digestive control, and sleep cycles)
helps proper development of the ear and inner ear – so, hearing and balance (6)
if restricted, can affect long-term issues with motor-functions (like reflexes and walking posture) (7)
are there any risks to me or my baby?
No. I have specialist training to treat pregnant mums.
I received awards while I studied at the NZ College of Chiropractic. I've completed post-graduate studies in Pediatrics, Chiropractic Neuro-Developmental Pediatrics, and Functional Neurology. I’ve been practicing for around 10 years.
References: (1) Fallon J.M. Chiropractic and pregnancy:a partnership for the future. ICA Int Rev Chiropr.1990;46(6):39-42. (2) Frietag P. Expert testimony of P Frietag MD PhD., comparing the results of two neighbouring hospitals, US District Court Northern Illinois Eastern Division, No.76C 3777. May 1987. (3) Henderson I MD. American Medical Association records released in 1987 during trial in U.S. District Court Northern Illinois Eastern Division, No. 76C 3777. May, 1987
(4) Dispenza J. Evolve Your Brain: The Science of Changing Your Mind. HCI 2008 (5) Davies NJ. Chiropractic Pediatrics 2nd Edition. p75-111 (6) Lecanuet JP, Schaal B. Fetal Sensory Competencies. Europ Journal of Obst & Gyn & Reprod. Biology 1996; 68:1-23 (7) Sival DA, Precht HF, Sonder GH, Touwen BC